Forex Trading

What is the Difference Between a Bull & a Bear Market?

Some investors buy a corresponding call when entering a short position. Traders buy puts and sell calls during bear markets which rely on short-term price movements. A bull market is an economic timeframe with rising asset prices and economic expansion.

  1. Traders should also follow different technical indicators during bullish and bearish markets.
  2. Yes, we work hard every day to teach day trading, swing trading, options futures, scalping, and all that fun trading stuff.
  3. This is perhaps the biggest risk that an investor might face in a bull market.
  4. We know that you’ll walk away from a stronger, more confident, and street-wise trader.
  5. But crafting and adhering to a clear long-term investment strategy could help you ride out whichever way the market’s going.

Many experts recommend that investors hold onto their stocks and ride out the market dip. Bull markets often indicate a general “up” period in the economy, especially if the business cycle is in the expansion or “normal” phase. GDP increases as consumers increase spending and unemployment rates decline. As investors sense a bear market coming on, this might be a good time to buy stocks, mutual funds and ETFs at a low price. Depending upon the depth and breadth of the bear market, there can certainly be some bargains to be had. This is because the value appreciated due to the rupee cost averaging feature over the long term.

TIME Stamp: Plan your portfolio for both types of markets

Bull market and bear market are terms frequently used to describe the ups and downs of the stock market. A bullish market represents rising stock prices, as it symbolically charges ahead with confidence. Conversely, a bearish market represents declining stock prices, as it symbolically retreats down into hibernation.

How to invest in bull and bear market phases

A financial advisor or tax expert can help you figure out the right withdrawal rate for your assets and risk tolerance. If you’re approaching the end of your investment timeline (a.k.a. you’re a few years away from your target retirement date), you have less time to recover from bear market dips. While we know the market historically has recovered from each bear market, you may not have the average two years for your investments to return to their previous values. The longest bull market lasted from 2009 to 2020 and resulted in stock growth of more than 400%.

Bear markets can certainly spark anxiety among investors as no one likes to experience losses. So why is a bull market considered a positive sign and a bear market a bad omen for investors? Maybe it’s because bulls are known to charge wildly to get where they want. Bears can charge, too, but they tend to destroy things, eating, rummaging and generally causing more damage than bulls. While bear markets can be scary, they are a natural part of the economic cycle and often lead to even stronger market returns. A diversified portfolio constructed for your financial goals can prepare you to confidently stay the course and weather any kind of market.


Price inflation may be a problem when the economy is booming, although inflation during a bear market can still occur. High demand for products and services in bull markets can cause prices to rise, and shrinking demand in bear markets can trigger deflation. Stock prices are rising in a bull market and declining in a bear market. The stock market under bullish conditions is consistently gaining value, even with some brief market corrections.

Regardless of the current state of the stock market, it’s important to stay focused on the long-term prospects of the companies in which you are invested. Companies with great business fundamentals are likely to produce significant returns for your portfolio over time. When you toss a coin, the occurrence of heads or tails is based purely on chance and is, therefore, unpredictable.

The average length of a bear market is just 289 days, or just under 10 months. In addition, investors may benefit from taking a short position in a bear market and profiting from falling prices. There are several ways to achieve this including short selling, buying inverse exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or buying put options.

And when you discount a few exceptions, you’ll find that the two states tend to leapfrog each other in succession. “It’s important to spend time with a professional who can chart a plan based on where you are in life and where you want to go,” says Nwasike. Overall, if you notice, the value of ICICI Bank’s share has progressed gradually to remain in the range of 500+ levels over a year because of its strong fundamentals. So, this is the fruit which you got for taking the opportunity if you had bought in 2017.

When we’re in a bullish market,  yields on securities and dividends will be lower than those of a bear market. We want higher yields and dividends in a bullish market to lure investors in with the promise of higher yields later. Nonetheless, in a bearish market, the liquidity dries up, and the investments made during a bullish scenario are either sold, preventing further downsides or held back. The market indicators are very strong in a bullish market and vice versa in a bearish market.

Final Thoughts – Bull vs Bear Market

If you notice these indexes are on a downward slope, then the market is likely shifting toward a correction or bear market. On the other hand, if you had considered buying ICICI Bank, which was a fundamentally strong company, it would have delivered strong returns. Later it did slip in March 2022 to INR 653.8 and again gradually progressed to INR 747 in April 2022. Profit and prosper with the best of expert advice on investing, taxes, retirement, personal finance and more – straight to your e-mail. You can see how, as an investor, understanding these two scenarios is key to determining what to do with your money. Investment decisions should be based on an individual’s own goals, time horizon, and tolerance for risk.

Notably, the research that established the 4% Rule found this to be true through both bull and bear markets. The key determinant of whether the market is bull or bear is not just the market’s knee-jerk reaction to a particular event, but how it’s performing over the long term. Small movements only represent a short-term trend or a market correction. c# backpropagation Whether or not there is going to be a bull market or a bear market can only be determined over a longer time period. Bull markets, on the other hand, can trigger a sense of euphoria as you see stock prices surge. But rushing to invest in something simply because it seems to be “doing well” is not a thoughtful strategy for wealth building.

Fidelity does not assume any duty to update any of the information. Stock markets are volatile and can fluctuate significantly in response to company, industry, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. Investing in stock involves risks, including the loss of principal. He and his wife, Melissa, share a passion for horses, polo, and eventing. Phil’s goal is to help you learn how to invest and achieve financial independence.

Not surprisingly, it also provided the highest returns, as measured by the S&P 500. The bull market is coming in at a close second from March 2009 to the present. To put this into perspective, the average return of all bull markets since 1932 has only been 165%. Public sentiments aside, bull markets are also the result of a thriving economy.